Code of Conduct

By participating in our sporting events either as a player, parent, or spectator, you are responsible for adhering to our Park Policies and Code of Conduct.

For all sports played at Broussard Sports Complex/St. Julien Park.


Code of Conduct

  1.  I will not berate or bully my teammates, officials, or my opponent.
  2.  I will not use profanity or fight under any circumstances.
  3.  I will demand a sports environment that is free from drugs and alcohol, and I will refrain from their use at all Broussard sports complex St. Julien Park events.
  4. I will place the emotional & physical wellbeing of my teammates and opponents ahead of my personal desire to win.
  5. I will do my best to remember that Sports is supposed to be FUN and that winning and losing are apart of everyone’s experience.
  6. I will treat other players, coaches, fans, volunteers, and officials with respect regardless of race, sex, creed, or ability.
  7. I WILL NOT BERATE THE OFFICIALS! Human error is part of all sports, you as a player need to play not officiate.
  8. I will not undermine the coaches’ instructions or direction. A player’s attitude and work ethic can affect playing time. Be coachable!!
  9. I will express my concerns through the proper channels in a dignified manner 10. I will respect St. Julien Park and its rules while playing in the park.

Any violation of the Broussard Sports Complex St. Julien Park Code of Conduct may result in suspension, removal from League/tournament or Banishment from the park.

Parent / spectator

Code of Conduct

  1. I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, contest administrators and officials at every event/game.
  2. I will place the emotional and physical well-being of the athletes ahead of my desire to win. 
  3. I will demand a sports environment that is free from drugs and alcohol, and I will refrain from their use at all Broussard sports complex St. Julien Park events. 
  4. I will remember that Recreational/Travel/Select games & events are for the Kids NOT THE ADULTS; and I will do my best to make sure that I help make youth sports a FUN & POSITIVE Experience.
  5. I will remember that my conduct influences the respect that the other athletes, coaches, parents, and the public have for my family and the Broussard Sports Complex.
  6. I will treat other players, coaches, fans, volunteers, and officials with respect regardless of race, sex, creed, or ability.
  7. I WILL NOT BERATE THE OFFICIALS! Human error is part of all sports, you as a fan need to cheer for your team. 
  8. I will not undermine the coaches’ instructions or direction. A player’s attitude and work ethic can affect playing time. Remember what you say to your child matters!! Undermining a coach will affect your Child!!! Teach your child to be coachable!! 
  9. I will NOT use profanity or fight under ANY Circumstance.
  10. I will CALMLY communicate my concerns through the proper channels in a dignified and adult manner. We advise using the 24-hour rule! Before you react negatively try a calm conversation.


Any violation of the Broussard Sports Complex St. Julien Park Code of Conduct may result in suspension, removal from League/tournament or Banishment from the park.


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