Park Rules & Policies
Making Broussard Sports Complex at St. Julien Park safe and enjoyable for all and helping to maintain quality and integrity for future family and sporting pleasure. HAVE FUN!!
By using our facility, you are responsible for adhering to our Park Policies and Code of Conduct.
Sports Complex Rules
- Disorderly conduct and physical/verbal assault will not be tolerated.
- Swimming in Ponds prohibited. Catch and Release fishing only.
- Climbing on trees, goalposts, fences, structures, etc. is prohibited.
- All outside food or drink prohibited in BSC@SJP during events. See graphic below.
- Obscene behavior or profane language will not be tolerated.
- All athletic field use must have prior approval from Director of BSC@SJP.
- Glass bottles or containers are prohibited in the park.
- Gum or seeds in shells: sunflower, peanut or pistachio etc. not allowed in the park.
- Pets, other than services animals, are prohibited on the fields or in the Baseball or Softball Complex. Pets are only allowed on hard surface trails and must be leashed at all times.
- Players, Coaches and Officials only on playing fields on game days.
- Metal spikes are prohibited on all artificial turf and portable mounds. Tennis shoes, turf shoes, and rubber cleats are acceptable.
- Food or beverages are prohibited on playing fields.
- Cooking or food preparation is prohibited in the pods without approval.
- Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco are strictly prohibited. The law will be enforced.
- Sale of merchandise or operating concessions is prohibited without prior approval.
- All postings and field markings must be pre-arranged and approved by St. Julien Park Administration and fees may apply.
- Specific permission is required prior to posting any signs or decorations.
- Loud speakers and music are not prohibited; however, park mgmt. may use discretion regarding volume and/or appropriate content.
- Artificial noise makers are prohibited during all athletic activity.
- Vehicles are prohibited on sod surfaces, sidewalks, service driveways and emergency zones. Any vehicle found in an unauthorized parking area will be ticketed and towed at owner’s expense.
- Overnight parking and camping is prohibited including RV’s and campers.
- Planes or drones not allowed without prior approval.
- Park may be closed at any time due to safety related concerns.
- Littering and dumping trash is strictly prohibited.
- Loitering or soliciting is never allowed.
- Firearms, primitive weapons, air guns, fires, fireworks, flammable liquids, open burning, or use of any device with an open flame is prohibited unless special permit given for special events.
- Speed limit in the park is 15 mph and 5 mph in all parking areas.
- Cars parked in handicapped parking spaces without a handicap sticker will be fined.
- All tournament and league participants, spectators, coaches, players, vendors, walkers, runners, playground areas, splash pad and picnic areas are at risk to be hit with a baseball/softball/soccer/lacrosse ball. Be alert at all times.
Failure to comply with these rules will result in immediate removal from park.

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